Joomla too high maintenance, move over to WordPress
Stay tuned - also testing google adsense
Stay tuned - also testing google adsense
Online (free, gratis) photo resources that I follow and recommend: EOSzine, free monthly full color interactive magazine (Dutch) [comes via email] DIY photography, Great blog about cheap and resourceful photography…
Follow this link: Flickr photo stream Malaysia Or the slide show here
Once you buy a DSLR photo camera with some lenses, you'll need something the transport them with. Good no problem you think I'll just buy a bag to hold them.…
{youtube}UBXtcsM1jfA{/youtube}Moonlight basin March 2010 with the Spirit of the North company.
Final day of the trip, got up early to get to the "Race to Dubai" golf championships. Its the final leg of the european tour. Its held on the new…