Enhancement I would like Ebay to make

I am fan of eBay and look for and regularly buy items. (Boy I hope this brexit doesn’t go through because I get some well priced golf equipment out of the UK without import tax, but anyhow..)

The interface for searching and looking for items hasn’t changed much in….well as long as I can remember. I would really hope they enhance it…..or let me customise. Here is what I’d like to see happen:

  1. Seller rating directly on item listing: Give me the seller rating directly on this “items list” after entering a search query. I am not buying from sellers with less then 99.6% rating (easily) and now I need to look at an item before I can see the seller rating.
  2. Item Feedback directly in the item listing: Many seller sell many of the same items. I am really interested in quickly seeing reviews for this specific item, not in general for this seller.

If this is possible please let me know, if not eBay please make it easier for your customers/buyers.

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